There’s a whole world of skincare knowledge at our fingertips now but, unfortunately, not all of it should be believed. With the good comes the bad, meaning that although a quick Google search may give you an answer to your skincare question, it may not be the right one.

Instead, it’s important to make sure that your information is coming from a credible source, which is where Lionesse comes in! Today, we’re going to be talking through eight skin care myths that could potentially be ruining your complexion.

1) Acne-Prone Skin Should Be Exfoliated Daily

White Pearl Facial Peeling

Dealing with acne-prone skin can be a turbulent journey. There’s so much conflicting advice out there! However, follow the wrong tips and you could end up making your breakouts so much worse. 

One of your best tools for diminishing the look of breakouts is exfoliation. However, although many may recommend exfoliating acne-prone skin daily, this is one of the harmful skin care myths that you could follow. Sure, it may appear to help initially. The problem is that exfoliating daily will only end up damaging your skin’s protective barrier. In the long run, this will cause your skin to increase the amount of oil that it produces. This will leave your skin greasier and more acne-prone than ever!

So, how often should you be exfoliating acne-prone skin? This depends on the exfoliator that you’re using but, generally, two or three times a week. Using a gentle yet thorough exfoliator, like the Lionesse White Pearl Facial Peeling, will help to further preserve the integrity of your skin barrier.

2) Eye Creams Don’t Work


It’s sometimes easy to see how some skin care myths originated. The myth claiming that eye creams don’t work is a good example. If you already include your eye area when applying your face moisturizer and you don’t have any skin concerns that are specific to this area, then chances are that an eye cream won’t make much difference to your skin.

However, if you happen to have any issues with the skin around your eyes, be it the appearance of crow’s feet, discoloration, puffiness, dark circles, or anything else, finding an eye cream that’s tailored to these concerns can be a game-changer. 

Take the Amber Dark Circle Eye Cream from Lionesse. It has been designed to lighten the visibility of dark circles under the eyes while also smoothing away the look of puffiness. It contains an action-packed ingredient blend, enabling it to get to work quickly. At the same time, it will also hydrate your skin. This will immediately leave your eye area looking fuller and brighter.

3) Drinking More Water Prevents Dry Skin


If you have dry skin and have tried to change this by increasing how much water you drink each day, you’ve probably realized by now that this hasn’t made much of a difference to your dryness. Sure, drinking more water is beneficial to the health of your skin overall, as well as that of your body. However, dry skin is a skin type and your water-drinking habits aren’t going to change this.

With that said, unlike some of the other skin care myths on this list, drinking more water is definitely not going to ruin your skin! However, depend on this method alone to remedy the dryness you’re dealing with and you may as well be ignoring the issue. Your dryness will only get worse.

Instead, if you have dry skin, this is down to a lack of sebum rather than a lack of water. The best way to make up for this is to keep your skin well moisturized. Look for a rich moisturizer that contains ingredients that can mimic the role of sebum, such as the Lionesse Black Onyx Cream.

4) There’s No Difference Between Day Creams and Night Creams


Browse some of the many moisturizer products out there and you’ll notice that some have been designed for daytime use while others are marketed as night creams. There are plenty of people out there who would say that there isn’t a difference between the two – it’s just a clever ploy to encourage people to buy more products.

However, once you understand more about how your skin works, you’ll realize that this is yet another one of the skin care myths that you shouldn’t believe. After all, your skin functions very differently during the day than it does at night. In the daytime, your skin cells are geared toward fighting off environmental damage. This is caused by everything from the sun to pollution. It’s impossible to avoid and would cause so many problems if your skin cells weren’t defending against it. At night, while you’re asleep, your skin focuses on repairing this damage. This is also when it builds new proteins and regenerates cells.

Having separate day and night creams, like the Lionesse White Pearl Day Moisturizer and the Lionesse White Pearl Night Cream will enable you to keep your skin feeling fully supported both during the daytime as well as when it switches roles each evening. 

5) You Can Change Your Pore Size With the Right Products


If your pores often look large, dark, and very noticeable, then you’ve likely done some research into this and have found various tips that promise to help you shrink your pores. Sadly, these are just skin care myths. The size of your pores is determined by your genes, meaning that there’s no changing this. 

While that may be the case, you can take steps to make your pores look smaller. They may not physically be any different in size but they won’t look noticeable anymore.

How can you do this? Start with a good cleansing and exfoliating routine. If dirt or sebum gathers in your pores, it will stretch out those openings and make your pores look larger. Likewise, adding a clay mask, like the Lionesse Black Onyx Mask, to your skincare routine will give you an additional way to remove excess oil from your skin.

It would also be worth investing in products designed to firm and tighten the complexion. The more taut your skin looks, the smaller your pores will appear. On the other hand, loose and sagging skin will lead to droopy-looking pores. Add an antioxidant serum to your skincare routine, just like the Lionesse Morganite Transforming Serum, to give your skin a tighter finish.

6) If You Can’t Pronounce a Skincare Ingredient, You Shouldn’t Use it

Opal Sheer Collagen Serum

Some skin care myths arise due to fears that people have, and this is one of them. With so many skincare products containing harmful chemicals, it’s understandable to be cautious about ingredients that don’t look or sound familiar.

However, if you take this stance, you’ll be missing out on some of the best skincare ingredients around. Sodium hyaluronate, for example, can sound intimidating but it’s one of the most effective hydrating ingredients out there. That’s why you’ll find it in several Lionesse products, including the Opal Sheer Collagen Serum. 

Dimethylaminoethanol tartrate is another name that sometimes puts people off. There’s no denying that it’s a mouthful to say but it also happens to be a proven superstar at smoothing away the look of fine lines and wrinkles. That’s why we’ve used it in the Lionesse White Pearl Wrinkle Reducing Syringe.

The moral of the story is, don’t be afraid of unknown ingredients. Instead, do some research to find out more before deciding whether or not an ingredient is worth trying.

7) Natural Skincare Products Are Better For Your Skin

Due to some of the questionable chemicals that can be found in various skincare products, it’s hardly surprising that more and more people have been favoring natural formulas. However, are they necessarily better than products containing synthetic ingredients? Definitely not.

If this is one of those skin care myths that you abide by, then, once again, your skin is missing out. While there’s no denying how beneficial many natural ingredients can be, which is why you’ll find plenty of them in Lionesse skincare products, synthetic ingredients have their place too. The ingredients that we discussed above, from sodium hyaluronate to DMAE, can work wonders on the complexion and don’t cause any harm. 

Plus, in many cases, synthetic ingredients are also more eco-friendly. Rather than being harvested in a way that damages the environment and then shipped around the world to be formulated into a skincare product, everything can be done under one roof. 

By all means, add some natural skincare products to your skincare routine. However, don’t be fooled into thinking that they’re superior products for this reason. 

8) Sunscreen Isn’t Necessary in the Winter

It’s easy to see why so many people believe that sunscreen isn’t needed in the winter. After all, if sunscreen protects from the sun and there isn’t any direct sun on dreary winter days, surely it isn’t needed, right?

Wrong. In actuality, sunscreen protects you from UV rays, and it doesn’t need to be sunny for these to damage your skin. UV rays penetrate through clouds and even glass. In fact, they can sometimes be more harmful in the winter due to snow and ice. These reflect UV rays back up, meaning that your skin is hit from every angle.

With the sun being responsible for wrinkles, dark spots, sagging skin, dullness, and even skin cancer, UV damage is something that you should be trying to prevent at all costs. This means keeping your skin covered with sunscreen year-round, even on the darkest days of winter. Sure, those UV rays may not be quite as strong. However, they’re still enough to contribute to a haggard complexion over time.

Debunking Skin Care Myths With Lionesse

Some skin care myths are surprisingly easy to believe, making it hardly surprising that people often end up conflicted when it comes to knowing how to care for their skin. However, gather your information from reliable sources and you’ll soon be able to separate fact from fiction. Not only will this save you from unintentionally ruining your skin but you’ll then be able to care for your complexion in a way that ensures that it truly thrives. Get prepared for your best skin yet!

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