Want to make sure that your beauty game is up-to-date? Join Lionesse as we take a closer look at 10 of the biggest beauty trends of 2024 so far.

1) Hydrating Humectants


When it comes to the ingredient-focused beauty trends of 2024, there’s one group of ingredients that is gaining a huge amount of attention; humectants. 

Just about every ingredient that’s currently in the limelight, from niacinamide and glycerin to algae and hyaluronic acid, has humectant properties. This means that they’re able to bind moisture to the skin to keep the skin hydrated. With water being used for every single process that takes place in the skin, ramping up your skin’s moisture levels can be a game-changer for your complexion.

As a result, you’ll likely start to see more products being released that focus on hydrating with humectants, just like the Lionesse Morganite Transforming Serum. In addition to sodium hyaluronate and glycerin – two of the most powerful humectants around – it also boasts collagen, peptides, and castor oil. These ingredients have moisture-binding properties too. As you can imagine, this enables the serum to quickly quench skin cells, leaving them looking fuller, brighter, and dewier.

2) Skinimalism

Skinimalism is one of those beauty trends that has been bubbling under the surface for a while. 2024 sees it really coming into its own, with more and more people embracing skinimalism.

Never heard of this trend before? It’s all about being minimalistic with your skincare routine. Why? Because people are tired of long and complex routines that not only require time that they don’t have but also end up costing quite a bit of money! Plus, keeping your skincare routine simple is also now said to be the better way to go about things. It saves you from overloading your skin with unnecessary products. In the long run, this can prevent a number of visible skin concerns from arising.

So, what does a minimalistic skincare routine entail? There are three essential products you need; a cleanser, a moisturizer, and a sunscreen. After this, you may want to also add in a serum, as well as any products designed to tackle the visible skin concerns you’re dealing with.

3) Protecting Against the Appearance of Blue Light Damage


How many hours each day do you spend in front of a screen of some sort? For many people, this figure is quite high. Not only do they rely on a screen for work but a screen often plays a role in their downtime too.

Wondering how this relates to 2024’s beauty trends? Well, one big focus this year is on preventing the appearance of blue light damage. This light is emitted from digital devices and LED screens and it can have some serious consequences for your skin. Research shows that blue light exposure can stimulate photoaging, inflammation, discoloration, and a weakened skin barrier – none of which you want to be dealing with!

So, other than cutting back on your screen time, what can you do about blue light damage? Thanks to this trend, you’ll now notice many products available that are designed specifically to tackle this problem. One thing that they all have in common is the inclusion of antioxidants. These are your best tools when it comes to keeping your complexion damage-free. Any product that’s rich in antioxidants, such as the Black Onyx Serum from Lionesse’s Black Onyx Collection, will be able to help you to mitigate and prevent the appearance of blue light damage.

4) The Neuro-Glow

The neuro-glow trend has been dominating the beauty world this year. This one is all about enhancing the complexion by boosting the mind-skin connection. While skeptics may scoff, the link between the mind and the skin is a strong one, so much so that an entire field, known as psychodermatology, has emerged to encompass this. 

So, how can you achieve a neuro-glow? It all comes down to keeping your mental state as balanced and healthy as possible. One way to ensure this is to pay attention to your stress levels. Stress is a big contributor to everything from oiliness and acne to dryness and dehydration. Learn how to prevent stress from affecting your mental health and you’ll soon be rewarded with better-looking skin.

5) Potent Plants


Natural ingredients have been dominating beauty trends for a few years now. This is set to continue throughout 2024, and possibly 2025 too, with potent plant extracts taking the spotlight.

What’s so great about plant extracts? They’re full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, most of which boost the complexion in some way. This is something that Lionesse has recognized since the very beginning. This is why plant extracts feature heavily in most Lionesse skincare formulations.

Take the Lionesse Opal Sheer Melting Mask, for example. The majority of the ingredients in this product have natural origins. Better yet, many of them are revered for being superfoods. This means that their nutrient profile is particularly dense, making them even more beneficial for your skin. From mangosteen and goji to bilberry and avocado, these potent tropical plant extracts will all work wonders on your complexion. 

6) Considering Climate Change

Black Onyx Cream

We’ve already talked about how preventing the appearance of blue light damage is one of 2024’s biggest beauty trends. However, blue light isn’t the only environmental factor that damages your skin. With climate change having a major impact on the environment, this has consequences for your skin too…

Between rising temperatures and increasing levels of pollution, your complexion needs as much environmental protection as possible. It goes without saying that sunscreen plays a big role in this. However, just like when it comes to dealing with blue light damage, you should also be incorporating plenty of antioxidants into your skincare routine. 

While serums are usually the best way to do this, using an antioxidant-infused moisturizer would also be wise. A moisturizer will form a barrier over the surface of your skin, providing an additional layer of protection against the appearance of environmental damage. The Lionesse Black Onyx Cream, which is brimming with antioxidant-rich plant extracts, would be a great choice!

7) Skincare Products for Men


Traditionally, the beauty world, as well as all of the beauty trends that came from it, has been focused on women. However, men are now increasingly spending time on their skin too, and are looking for products to help them to do this. As a result, you can expect to see many more skincare products available in 2024 that are geared toward men. 

There’s certainly nothing wrong with this. After all, everyone deserves to have great skin! With that said, it’s worth keeping in mind that, sometimes, male-oriented products are nothing more than a marketing tactic. Sure, male skin differs from female skin in a few different ways. However, there are still plenty of gender-neutral products out there that may not be designed specifically for men but can still produce some impressive changes in male complexions.

The Lionesse White Pearl Vitamin C Serum is one. This serum contains ingredients that work well on both male and female skin. Not only does it boast a highly stable form of ascorbic acid but it also contains orange peel oil, which is a natural source of vitamin C. This doubles up on how much of the antioxidant the skin receives, meaning even better results!

8) Pigmentation-Focused


2024 sees more attention being placed on hyperpigmentation…and it’s about time! Dark spots are extremely common, largely due to sun damage, yet many still turn to unsuitable products and incorrect techniques when it comes to making them look lighter and less noticeable.

This year, pigmentation education is in full force. Gone are the days of promoting products containing harmful skin-lightening chemicals. Instead, people are now seeking safer and more natural alternatives. Licorice root extract is one, with this botanical proven to even out the skin tone and fade the look of hyperpigmentation. 

You’ll find licorice root extract, along with a blend of other complexion-balancing ingredients, in the Lionesse Golden Sapphire Cream. In addition to tackling the appearance of hyperpigmentation, this moisturizer will also help you to soften the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. It will give your skin a firmer, brighter, and more youthful finish!

9) Skincare/Makeup Hybrids

We’ve already talked about how skinimalism is one of the big beauty trends for this year. However, it’s not just skincare routines that people are trying to simplify. The rest of their beauty routine is undergoing this transformation too. 

In an attempt to cut back on long makeup regimens, consumers are now looking for skincare/makeup hybrids that enable them to use fewer products overall. Unlike regular makeup products, these formulas aren’t solely about aesthetics. Instead, they also hone in on giving the skin the nutrients that it needs to feel as healthy as possible.

From SPF foundations to tinted serums, these hybrid products are set to become more popular than ever as 2024 progresses.

10) The ‘Clean Girl’ Aesthetic

The ‘clean girl’ aesthetic is one of those beauty trends that began on TikTok but quickly made its way into the wider world of beauty. This trend is all about looking effortlessly put together. Makeup is kept to a minimum, meaning that a healthy and glowing complexion is a must if you want to pull this look off.

Of course, there’s more to this look than skin. Your hair should also be kept neat and polished, with slicked-back ponytails being a favored style among proponents of this trend. Neutral yet classy outfits, usually with a nude color palette, are essential too while any fashion accessories should be kept minimal and ‘clean’. 

Exploring Beauty Trends With Lionesse

Chances are that at least a few of the beauty trends on this list have intrigued you. The good news is that unlike some of the trends out there, the ones that we’ve featured are all safe and proven to be beneficial for the skin. If you believe that any of these trends could do your complexion some good, give them a try and your skin will likely thank you!

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